Mother nature has a way of moving through the earth with storms that carries wind and rain at catastrophic forces. The bible speaks of storms. Jesus stilled the storms to a whisper, the waves in the sea were hushed. Psalm 107:29. The magnitude of the storms can also be seen and felt by the disciples on the boat and the covering that God provides for the disciples. He became their shelter from the storm and the rain, Isaiah 4:6. God has provided and prepared a way out of the storm in our lives. The storms in our lives may be long and difficult, but God is a shelter, he is our comfort.
I feel like my life has not been without storms. There are times when no sooner that I come out of one, here comes another one. At times I realize that I have created those storms by making bad decisions, not checking in with the father, not being patient with the process, or wanting things to happen my way and in my own time. I have learned to discern God ways and staying the course even when I don't understand it.
Did the disciples create the storm in Matthew 8:23-27? Are the storms in your life permitted? There are times when the storms in our lives are permitted so that God's purpose in our lives can be realized. Storms can come to change the path that we are on or bring you to the place where you are called. The disciples may not have caused the storm, but God used it to test their faith and show them his power that is actively at work in their lives.
No matter the storms you may face, you will come to shore, you will be able to pick up the seashells, you will be able to eat the fruit. All things work together for a good, Romans 8:28. It may not seem like you are coming out, but look ahead. Your life will begin to bloom, the season is passing, you can rest.
Father, I know that you are familiar with the storms in my life. Yes, my boat is being tossed around, yes the wind is changing the course, but I thank you that you are with me, that I can hold on to this confidence and to the truth that is laid upon the alter of my heart. I will look to you that my eyes will not wonder from your truth but to hold on for the seasons to come to an end in Jesus name amen.