I lost my father more than ten years ago and still have the memory in my mind of when I heard the news of his passing. While I know that he is gone physically, he is still with me spiritually. I recall the time when I decided to visit him as I celebrated my birthday. Oh it was so good as we sat and he shared a few things that still stays on my mind. What would it be like if he was still here, I wonder. While he is not here, I am so glad I have a Heavenly Father that I can call on, that I can commune with, whom I can prayerfully seek when in need or in want. We celebrate our earthly father but we can celebrate our Heavenly Father as well. Thank you God for your presence and keeping me on a straight path.
Father, thank you that I have this day that I not only can celebrate my earthly father but to celebrate you, the love that you have for me, the joy that you bring to my life and the peace that you give. Thank you that you are with me in every kind of season and the ability to move and breathe and have my being. Thank you for being my rock and my shelter in Jesus name amen.