Deep within scripture, the word, "pain" is illuminated by God's response to the faith of his people. The first reference to pain is written in Genesis 3:16. "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing, with pain you will give birth to children, a natural process regardless of the intent. Further in scripture it speaks of pain in loss Genesis 4:8. On both ends we see in the beginning, pain is mentioned as an inevitable experience that we would all face in our lives. Individually our pain is birth through many experiences, trauma, failure, disappointments, chronic delays, sorrow, depression, rejection, chronic illnesses, and many other stubborn traumas that lingers in our lives. Whatever the circumstance, don't fuel your pain. What do I mean?
Chronic pain can lead to suffering. When we fuel our pain with thoughts of despair and hopelessness, it may lead to deep loss. God's word is the anctedote to pain. Scripture illuminates that we should cast our cares on the Lord, Psalm 55:22. We can cast all our cares on the Lord because he cares deeply for us. When you give your cares to God, he will show you how to relieve your pain, give you the comfort you need and to find rest in him. According to Jeremiah 29:11, God knows the plans he has for us, His plan is to prosper you and not to harm you. God will prosper you in good health so that you can carry out his plan for your life.. He sent his son that we will have life and have it to the full according to John 10:10. God's greatest plan is that we have life and in no way to harm us.
When we look to the Lord, when we rest in him and allow him to carry our pain, then our lives will reflect exactly what God has in mind. God desire you fo prosper as your soul prosper, 3 John 2, that we will not perish, because he has mercy and compassion on us.
Surrender all your pain to God, so that he will give you ease and healing.
Lord, I believe that no matter what I may be facing, I can give you all my cares. Thank you for carrying all my burden and bringing it to past, amen.