I remember a time in my life when I was passive when responding to those who thought I was less than worthy, or the confidence to tell someone how I felt when they offended me. This kind of response to assault caused me to shrink back in doubt, fear, and anxiety. This went on for many years until I began to realize that this only left me unproductive, unhappy, and unsure about my own life. In shrinking back my confidence was shaken and I accomplished nothing.
In the text, when David approached the uncircumcised Philistine, he had no doubt that he was in a position to defeat him. When he asked who the Philistine was, he already knew, he simply wanted to set up himself for an approach that will cause the Philistine to give up but not so, the Philistine thought that he was a giant compared to David. With confidence, David used his second approach to let the Philistine know about his God and his confidence in God to defeat him. No doubt, with the help and his confidence in God, David defeated Goliath.
When I consider the confidence I have today, I give God the glory for these great stories that reveal how I must respond to my opponents, my environment, and to any circumstance that tries to shrink me back. I have been better about giving place to passivity, or fear. I approach my circumstances with confidence that the same God who helped David to defeat Goliath, is the same God who is with me.
Is there any area in your life that you are lacking confidence in God or shrinking back because of fear? We can model David's approach in our own circumstances. Calling on the name of the Lord will give us the power to approach any circumstance with confidence and boldness. There is nothing too hard for God. He will never leave us alone to fight any battle, he is in the battle with us. Just like David, we can declare the word of God with great confidence over our circumstances. When we approach our circumstances with confidence in God, we are giving him the glory. We are saying, "God we trust you."
Father, help us to be like David to have this kind of confidence in what you are able to do. We thank you for revealing your power and for being with us in our trials and adversities in Jesus name amen.